VR Demo and FullBody XR Avatars

I am trying to get full body xr avatars setup in Unity 6 with Final IK. I’ve followed the setup guide but it isn’t working correctly. Avatar moves in relation to my controller movements but the avatar is a little out of position (through the floor, wrists at wrong angle to controllers etc).

I downloaded the VR Demo to learn about the setup in more detail but I get lots of errors and missing scripts on game objects. I even downloaded the same version of Unity that the project as created in and only added Final IK as the instructions say to do but still can’t really learn from this. Any ideas why scripts are missing or is there a more detailed tutorial/instructions on setting up the avatars.


Anybody on here? I’ve made some headway with the avatar being our of place and adjusting the hand targets until I have a “close enough” match but it isn’t at all like the documentation says.

Likewise I have now moved onto the hand tracking and again following the documentation to the letter it isn’t working.

Is anyone working with XR in Unity 6 with RPM succsessfully?