RPM conflict with GLTFRuntime plugin in Unreal Engine, missed module

Currently I am using RPM in my metaverse game, I need latest GLTFRuntime plugin to be active in my project to load NFT models, but after enabling it I get error when package the project for android

Plugin ‘ReadyPlayerMe’ (referenced via MetaverseCity.uproject) does not contain the ‘glTFRuntime’ module, but lists it in ‘D:\Unreal Engine\UE_5.4\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\ReadyPlayerMe\ReadyPlayerMe.uplugin’.

I test RPM plugin alone in new project and it works fine, but when I add the GLTFRuntime plugin into my project I get the same error when package the project

Hi @dabk800 and welcome to the Forum!

Please check this Unreal Forum post about a similar issue: Build error Plugin does not contain the module, but it lists it - #5 by Thoeme - Plugins - Epic Developer Community Forums

It is possible that the plugin version added to a project isn’t the same as the one that can be found in the engine install directory.

I checked this already before sharing here, but currently I disabled the GLTF plugin, until now I don’t face any issues with the integrated GLTF in RPM and built my project successfully.

Hi @dabk800

So now everything works for you as expected?

Yes, I am not sure if we should close the topic, but at least everything works fine now.