If cache of avatar is broken, load it as a new avatar

Something we’ve been running into a few times recently is where the cache of an avatar has been broken and then it crashes our app.

This happens when the avatar has been successfully loaded in the past, but for some reason it had an issue loading the most recent time. Then, the cache becomes broken and the only way to successfully load the avatar is to delete the cache (whether via the browser or via “\AppData\LocalLow.…” on Windows).

To save us the issue of deleting the cached avatar: if the cache is broken, could RPM remove/overwrite the broken cache and just load the avatar as a new cache?


It looks like it’s a browser cache issue. Are you using cacheControl and uat query parameters described in our docs : GET - 2D Render of an Avatar - Ready Player Me ?

This is still happening for us. Currently, only on Meta Quest. However, it’s happening more now.

Our users need to clear their cache for the avatars to load.

Is there a way that we can clear the avatar cache via script if they fail to load?