I cannot import the "ready-player-me" package into my unity project

I’ve been following a tutorial on creating smart NPCs with Unity, which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg4k-XPBC2Q

I’ve successfully imported both the OpenAI package and the starter assets into my Unity project, and they are functioning correctly. However, I’m encountering an issue when attempting to import this specific package: GitHub - readyplayerme/rpm-unity-sdk-core: This Module contains all the core functionality required for using Ready Player Me avatars in Unity, including avatar loading and creation

I’ve tried deleting and recreating projects multiple times, as well as attempting to import the older package from this repository (GitHub - readyplayerme/rpm-unity-sdk-core: This Module contains all the core functionality required for using Ready Player Me avatars in Unity, including avatar loading and creation), but without success.

It’s worth mentioning that I had previously created a project where the Ready Player Me package was imported successfully (though I hadn’t imported the OpenAI package in that instance). Even when attempting to import the Ready Player Me package alone again, I faced the same issue. I’ve since deleted that project, and I’m unsure why it was functioning correctly before but not now.

I’ve been grappling with this problem for several days now, and I’m wondering if anyone else has encountered and resolved a similar issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I’ll also provide some images related to the issue.

Hello and welcome to the forum!
Do you have Git installed on this machine? If you are unsure, you can check it by opening the terminal and typing git -v
If you don’t have it, you can download it from here: https://git-scm.com/

Another way to add the package would be to download the package ZIP like shown below:

After the download is complete, unzip the folder, and then in Unity, in the Package Manager, choose “Add package from disk” and find the “package.json” file within the unzipped folder. This will import the project.

Another option is also to get it from the official Unity Assets Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/ready-player-me-avatar-and-character-creator-259814

Stuck importing Ready Player Me package in Unity? Try this:

  1. Git Check: Make sure you have Git installed (type git -v in terminal).
  2. Import Methods:
  • Try Package Manager: (Unity Window > Package Manager) “+” > “Add Package from Git URL” with the latest Ready Player Me package URL.
  • Or download the ZIP from their repo, extract, and import the folder into your project’s Assets.
  1. Version Check: Verify your Unity version is compatible with the package (check Ready Player Me documentation).
  2. Clean Project (Last Resort): Create a new Unity project and try importing there to rule out project conflicts.