Build to Apple Vision Pro failed - Unity

Hi I am following this tutorial here: Ready Player Me Vision Pro Tutorial

and I get this error… It is asking for camera permission

after I add the camera permission, it successfully builds to xcode… but then I get these error messages and can’t build to VisionOS

The errors seem to be coming from the camera permissions… In the tutorial, it just told about the mic permission, not the camera permission…

Please help…

Thank you

Hello and welcome to the forum!
As you mentioned, filling the Camera Usage Description field under project settings - > player → ios → configuration → Camera Usage Description fixes it and builds successfully.
Now if you are still getting error messages, I’d suggest you post in the Unity forum for visionOS as the error is not related to the the Ready Player Me package: visionOS - Unity Discussions

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Could you please make a Unity project sample of the post

and upload it to GitHub, It will be highly appreciated. Thank you