I’m getting that 403 Forbidden error immediately at runtime now with Unity projects that were working. Is there a breaking update that requires the latest SDK?
Location: west coast Canada.
Subdomain and AppID are correct.
Windows 11, Unity 2022.3.51, RPM
Current version: 7.2.0
(\Latest version: 7.3.1)
Exception: Forbidden Error
ReadyPlayerMe.AvatarCreator.ResponseExtensions.ThrowIfError (ReadyPlayerMe.Core.ResponseText response) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.readyplayerme.core@6310fded25/Runtime/AvatarCreator/Scripts/Extensions/ResponseExtensions.cs:28)
ReadyPlayerMe.AvatarCreator.AvatarAPIRequests.GetAvatarTemplates () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.readyplayerme.core@6310fded25/Runtime/AvatarCreator/Scripts/WebRequests/AvatarAPIRequests.cs:69)
Hi @XyrisKenn,
The 403 error might be caused because of missing assets from template avatars. You can test this by creating a new application where you have not removed any assets to see if it works. You need to create a new application in studio and after thisyou will need to change the APP ID and Subdomain in Unity to test it.
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Hi, thank you for your reply. I created a new application is Studio, and deleted then updated Ready Player Me assets in my Unity project, but the 403 error does persist.
Firewall on my computer is set up correctly too.
I download both the Package from git & the Unity Asset Store rpm. Should I avoid that?
I’ll also test w Ethernet in case there are wifi issues.
Update: I created a new project from the Asset Store Ready Player Me example. The template items loaded correctly. There’s an error but the functionality worked. Next, I need to sort out how to replace the SDK in my original project.
Hi @XyrisKenn,
Good to hear that it’s now working! For the earlier 403 issue, did you change the application ID and subdomain in Unity too when you tested it?