Having issue when saving avatar in Unity custmize UI

I am using Ready Player me Unity Custom avatar UI . I am able to Login but when I am Saving my custmize avatar i am getting error . Few months back i was able to Login and Save . Now it it not working .“type”:“ForbiddenError”,“status”:403,“message”:“Forbidden”,“code”:“forbidden”}
PUT https://api.readyplayer.me/v2/avatars/669ca7b28409082e90d33da3
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
ReadyPlayerMe.Core.WebRequestDispatcher/d__4`1<ReadyPlayerMe.Core.Response>:MoveNext () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.readyplayerme.core@3c20dd9798/Runtime/Core/Scripts/Utils/WebRequestDispatcher.cs:87)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()
Here i am saving id but due to this i am not getting any id .

Same error in latest version but no any support from Ready Player me .I am using Sample Avatar Creator scene , when i am saving my Custmize avatar getting exception on it . Any Idea what can be done ? :{“type”:“ForbiddenError”,“status”:403,“message”:“Forbidden”,“code”:“forbidden”}

UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()

Hi there,

Make sure that you have the correct APP ID and Subdomain set up. The Avatar Creator requires a subdomain and an AppID. Login to https://studio.readyplayer.me to obtain a subdomain and AppID. See also Studio (Developer Dashboard).

You can find more information on our documentation here: Build your own Avatar Creator | Ready Player Me.

If that doesn’t help, try clearing your player prefs. Let us know if it starts working for you after these tips!

Hi Markus,

I am also experiencing the same issue on my end as well. I have a fresh project setup using the Avatar Creator Sample (Non-WebGL) and the error seems to persist after:

  • Checking the App ID and Subdomain
  • Clearing PlayerPrefs

Do you happen to know what else might be the issue in this case?

Hi Markus,

I am also experiencing the same issue, and I have tried the resolving the issue with your suggestions. Are there other ways we can solve this problem?

I tested these steps does not help me . So due to this error i am using current version of RPM , It worked one time ,it is not working now . RPM team is busy in new feature but these bug is not getting resolve .

Hello , Did you get any solution on it ?

Hi everyone!

Please make sure that the bodyType is set correctly in SDK and in Studio. The Unity bodyType setting needs to match what you have set in the Studios bodyType settings.