Getting Exception: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - When trying to load avatar creator thumbnails in 7.0.0, and avatar mesh + thumbnails in 5.0.0

Hi, I dunno why this is happening recently, maybe I missed some recent change? Well, I am unable to load avatar thumbnails or avatars themselves (saved ones on the logged in account) via RPM Avatar & Character Creator anymore… I thought, oh maybe it is because I am out of date (ver 5.0.0 in my game)… but then I started up a new blank project and brought in ver 7.0.0 and it has the same problem sadly… maybe I need to do some extra verification for my app after all these months of it working fine… or perhaps some back end bug? I also tried a different appid and rpm subdomain… same problem… in 5.0.0 it fails to even load the avatar + thumbnails, and if i click on the tile no download avatar… but in 7.0.0 it loads the avatar in the demo scene AvatarCreatorElements just no thumbnails…Anybody else having this issue or just me? I even went as far as creating a new appid tonight just to be sure, nope… still same error sadly.

Exception: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
ReadyPlayerMe.AvatarCreator.ResponseExtensions.ThrowIfError (ReadyPlayerMe.Core.IResponse response) (at Assets/Ready Player Me/Core/Runtime/AvatarCreator/Scripts/Extensions/ResponseExtensions.cs:15)
ReadyPlayerMe.AvatarCreator.AvatarRenderHelper.GetPortrait (System.String avatarId, System.Threading.CancellationToken token) (at Assets/Ready Player Me/Core/Runtime/AvatarCreator/Scripts/Utils/AvatarRenderHelper.cs:16)
UserAvatarElement.SetIcon (System.String avatarId) (at Assets/Ready Player Me/Core/Runtime/AvatarCreator/Scripts/UI/Elements/UserAvatarElement.cs:49)
ReadyPlayerMe.AvatarCreator.TaskExtensions.HandleCancellation (System.Threading.Tasks.Task taskToWait, System.Action onSuccess) (at Assets/Ready Player Me/Core/Runtime/AvatarCreator/Scripts/Extensions/TaskExtensions.cs:21)
UserAvatarElement.SetupButton (System.String avatarId, System.Action`1[T] action) (at Assets/Ready Player Me/Core/Runtime/AvatarCreator/Scripts/UI/Elements/UserAvatarElement.cs:35)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.b__7_0 (System.Object state) (at <75633565436c42f0a6426b33f0132ade>:0)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <4746c126b0b54f3b834845974d1a9190>:0)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.Exec () (at <4746c126b0b54f3b834845974d1a9190>:0)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.ExecuteTasks () (at <4746c126b0b54f3b834845974d1a9190>:0)

Yeah. I’m getting this when trying to load the glb models themselves on the web api.

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I don’t know if this is related, but I’m also having issues with SSL cert errors in Unity.

A quick google would suggest that this might be a “them problem” and that they need to fix their web certification.

There’s probably all manner of ways we can get around it, but I assume it’s not advised as the certs are there to prove that the url is safe.

(I’m totally green with RPM and only spent a few hours looking at the out of the box Unity package. So there’s also a good chance I’m doing something stupid that this is unrelated!)

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I am not sure if related or not. What I do know is both versions of the SDK I see this problem in, I get the same error that is causing exceptions in Unity avatar editors… due to webserver/api returning error msgs instead of the actual files… a few examples of the failed resource loadings:

This service is currently not available in your region: Illinois, USA.

This service is currently not available in your region: Illinois, USA.

Hi there,

Due to BIPA (Biometric Information Privacy Act) regulations in Illinois, USA, we cannot currently serve users in this region. We are working on the matter, but it may take some weeks to resolve it.


I understand. Only issue is, I do not live in Illinois. I have tried accessing the API thru my game from 1) Indiana 2) Ohio and 3) Pennsylvania… doesn’t work anywhere and results in the same message from the affected API URLs.


I am using Sample Avatar Creator scene , when i am saving my Custmize avatar getting exception on it . Any Idea what can be done ? :{“type”:“ForbiddenError”,“status”:403,“message”:“Forbidden”,“code”:“forbidden”}
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
ReadyPlayerMe.Core.WebRequestDispatcher/d__3`1<ReadyPlayerMe.Core.Response>:MoveNext () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.readyplayerme.core@537685523a/Runtime/Core/Scripts/Utils/WebRequestDispatcher.cs:86)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()

Hi Markus,

I have the same problem, but what is weird to me is if I go through a VPN that puts me through Illinois (what is my ip says my IP is in Illinois), I get the expected message. But when off VPN and what is my ip says I’m in Columbus Ohio,*.glb works, but*.png or .json don’t and give me this message:


Not sure why it thinks I’m in Illinois when what is my ip reports I’m in Columbus Ohio