Internal Server Error on Avatar Creator Sample

Hello everyone,

I am encountering an internal server error when using the Ready Player Me Avatar Creator Sample. In the project I get the following errors:

UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
ReadyPlayerMe.Core.WebRequestDispatcher/<SendRequest>d__3`1<ReadyPlayerMe.Core.Response>:MoveNext () (at Assets/Ready Player Me/Core/Runtime/Core/Scripts/Utils/WebRequestDispatcher.cs:86)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()

And there are more links that follow:

I checked to see if this was related to my project by setting up RPM SDK on an empty project. I could not reproduce this error on a fresh project.

Are there settings, configurations I would need in my project so that I don’t get these errors?

Hi there,

Please make sure you have setup the correct subdomain and app id in Unity.

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Thank you for the prompt reply. I did a bit of forum research as soon as I posted this, and was recommended to clear PlayerPrefs. Doing so resolved the problem!

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