What are all the emotion variables?

Hi there!

I’m trying to set all the mouth variables so i can programmatically animate the face but there’s no documentation for all the possible variables. Here’s a few I found,

“eyeSquintLeft”: 0.4,
“eyeSquintRight”: 0.2,
“mouthSmileLeft”: 0.37,
“mouthSmileRight”: 0.36,
“mouthShrugUpper”: 0.27,
“browInnerUp”: 0.3,
“browOuterUpLeft”: 0.37,
“browOuterUpRight”: 0.49

What are all the variables or where can i find them please?

Thank you!

Hi Alexhig,

First, make sure that your Avatar includes Blendshapes. You can add the following parameters after the Avatar URL to get blendshapes: ?morphTargets=ARKit,Oculus Visemes, you can find more information from our Avatar API docs.

List of ARKit Blendshapes

List of Oculus Blendshapes

More on blend shapes can be found in our Forum Post here: [GUIDE] Blendshapes, morph targets and shape keys - #7 by vincent_x2o

Hi there! I have a new issue - I’m trying to list all the assets using your API endpoint but it’s constantly returning 401 unauthorized despite having the correct application ID

. Please advise!

Here’s what I have in my python implementation:


def ping_assets(request):


# Retrieve the application ID from AWS Parameter Store

app_id = ‘6678f3678ee68d2b4558d90e’ # Ensure this parameter is correctly set in your store

if not app_id:

raise ValueError(“Application ID not found in AWS Parameter Store”)

url = ‘https://api.readyplayer.me/v1/assets

headers = {

‘X-APP-ID’: app_id


# Log the request details

print(f"Request URL: {url}")

print(f"Request Headers: {headers}")

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


# Log the response details

print(f"Response Status Code: {response.status_code}")

print(f"Response Headers: {response.headers}")

print(f"Response Content: {response.text}")


assets_data = response.json()

return JsonResponse(assets_data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

except requests.RequestException as e:

return JsonResponse({‘error’: f’Error fetching assets: {str(e)}'}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

except Exception as e:

return JsonResponse({‘error’: f’Unexpected error: {str(e)}'}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

You need to include the API key in the header.