I was curious how I’d be able to incorporate shirtless as an option. The PlayerZero character creator has this option to remove clothing, but when I searched in the developer studio under the “Asset manager” tab, I can’t find an option to enable a “shirtless” option anywhere. Is this not a feature of ReadyPlayerMe?
In fact I can’t seem to find a way of adding anything more revealing than a t-shirt in terms of clothing. in the asset designer I can create custom designs. But I see no way of customizing a sleeveless shirt even.
Is there something I am missing or some API request I can make?
Thank you,
To add some more details: When I look at the geometry in Unity, I see that there’s this much of the body available to render, regardless if the character is wearing a tshirt or a hoodie:
But if I switch to a costume like this:
then there’s more downloaded. Except there’s a seam in the neck and obviously the missing torso.
Does this mean that in order to support shirtless characters, I have to create my own shirtless hero-characters? I tried to add the demo hero character following this guide: Hero Characters | Ready Player Me
But unfortunately then the character can’t wear any of the outfits at all,
Hello David, it is a use case that personally never crossed my mind but you are right, it’s not possible at the moment and we don’t have any outfit that would be just shirtless. We don’t have an option to remove the top clothing and we don’t have an outfit that would be “shirtless”.
For now if you want to achieve that you would need to upload it as a Hero Character, although users selecting it would lose all customization options.
I will share your feedback with the team, if you want to ellaborate more on the use you plan for the shirtless avatar I can add more context to the feedback list.
Hey Gonzalo! Thanks for the quick response!
The use case for my project is to allow players the choice to create more of a punk-rock looking character
This is a pretty core aesthetic of the game I am working on and therefore, would be sorely missed if it’s not possible. Though I think it is, since here’s a character made with the player zero app:
In this instance for the character above, customization was still possible so I don’t believe this is done via a hero character. Though maybe it’s just using an unreleased newer version of the api,
Allowing characters to represent themselves with body art, vitiligo, shorter clothing like skirts or tank-tops is what I am hoping to be able to achieve, thanks!
Also feel free to DM me, I reached out on discord if you need more details about the specifics that I can’t go into on a public forum,
Thanks again!