Oculus Lipsync integration - Unreal Engine 5.3?

Hi there!

Thanks for the support and amazing plugin, really appreciate your work!

I wanted to ask in regards to making RPM characters work with Oculus Lipsync. I’ve tried to follow this tutorial a few times:

But unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work.
In the project examples shared in Github there’s also no example for the use of Oculus Lipsync with RPM.
This is such a great feature to have imo, it would be really really helpful for the community if the team at RPM can share a working example project with RPM characters and Oculus Lipsync.

Thanks a lot and hope to figure it out with you guys! :pray:

Hi there,

What issues do you have when trying implement the Oculus Lipsync? One thing that might cause issues is that the avatar is missing Oculus Visemes blendshapes.

Please check if adding blendshapes help: [GUIDE] Blendshapes, morph targets and shape keys - #9 by Gonzalo_RPM

Thanks Markus!

I’ve managed to get it to work on 5.3.
Here’s the plugin version that I’ve used to make it work:

Also this discussion is useful:

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did you also get it working with 5.4? I’ve managed to compile the OvrPlugin but the Viseme linking appears to be broken.

Hi Dominic!
I haven’t tried on 5.4 (our project is running on 5.3), but I will let you know as soon as I get the chance to run it on 5.4, perhaps in the future.

Have you managed to get it to work on 5.3 though? If so, maybe you can try to upgrade your 5.3 project to 5.4 and see if it works?

Good luck!