Missing Shader Variants?

My Unity 2022.3.53 URP project’s develop an error that appears at startup. Has anyone seen this, have a solution or clue?
This project using Avatar Creator usually works in editor, but as a build hangs at loading the avatar.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ReadyPlayerMe.Core.Editor.GraphicsSettingsUtility.AddPreloadShaderVariants (System.Boolean checkForMissingVariants) (at Assets/Ready Player Me/Core/Editor/Core/Scripts/Settings/GraphicsSettingsUtility.cs:64)

ReadyPlayerMe.Core.Editor.GraphicsSettingsUtility.CheckAndUpdatePreloadShaders () (at Assets/Ready Player Me/Core/Editor/Core/Scripts/Settings/GraphicsSettingsUtility.cs:40)

UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () (at <852a96aeaa894abe80349589fdb9b964>:0)

Following another post about shader variants led me to Player Settings - Graphics, where I noticed it’s missing the shader variants setting for my project’s High Fidelity rp. Adding this solved the error.