Login Issues Update

Hello everyone!

As you may have noticed we ran into some issues with the Login to the Ready Player Me forum. Firstly, I would like to apologise for this break in the service and for the fact you have not been able to get support from the community.

The good news it that this issue is now resolved! Due to an issue with the previous way the login was handled we have had to migrate to use email or a Google sign, this took a little while to complete but everything is now back up and running.

If you sign-up using the same email address associated with your previous account it should sync back up and show your previous profile and topics, as it has done with my own account.

If anybody runs into any issues please reply to this topic and we will try and resolve your issue.

All the best

Tom & the Ready Player Me team


Is this effecting creation of developer accounts?

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I’m unable to sign in to “Ready Player Me Studio”, the page is blinking. I want to have a developer account to try Readyplayerme with Unity. Would you please look into this


When I am signing in then it is showing ( Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio.) ,Please Can anyone tell me how to solve this


yh its still not working


I’m able to login through accounts.rpm but not studio.rpm. After clicking “Sign in” on the studio page with the same credentials I use to login to the accounts page, I get " Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio." also.


We are experiencing the same issue:

When trying to log in with our general Ready Player Me Studio account, we receive the message:
“Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio.”

This is a major issue for us, as we are already working on an important project. We reached out to support last week (marked as urgent), but have yet to receive a response, and our request is still marked as “processing.”

Additionally, we noticed that the “Sign Up” functionality is unavailable, so we were unable to attempt creating a new account in case something went wrong during the initial setup.

This is a critical problem, as our application relies on Ready Player Me as a key feature. We are still waiting for updates on this matter and would appreciate any assistance as soon as possible.


I created a Developer Studio account a couple of months ago, and it initially worked fine. However, when I tried to login today, I received the following error: “Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio.”

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Same with me, experiencing the same issue.

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I’m currently having the same problem with “Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio.”

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Same probleme for me as of today 2025-02-23 when I try to sign up :
Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio

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I have not been able to access my account. I have logged in to the Zero but I don’t see my avatars. What am I doing wrong?

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I am unable to login to the studio
has the same issue

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Same issue here… any update from the Dev’s? I sent an Email yesterday but no lucky…


Hello, I have the same issue. When I try to login I receive the messge “Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio”. Help please.


Hi, I’m also having the issue of "Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio". I really hope this will be fixed soon as I need this for a school project I’m working on. My grades depend on this…

For context, it used to work fine, but now I can no longer access the dev portal and manage/create avatars. I have two avatars downloaded as a backup (mostly used to test during development) and I will have to use those until I can access this again… I really want to give users the ability to customize their own avatar instead of being forced to use a preset .-.


This is brutal! Very brutal!

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So brutal! So Brutal! So brutal! So Brutal!

Also there’s personal mail among users here on this forum, which may not be obvious for new users - make sure to read it all!

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Hi, I have the same issue, ( Your account is not valid for Ready Player Me Developer Studio.), please need help.