Failed to Authenticate

I am facing this issue. Whenever I runs Ready player Me widget I am facing this " Failed to Authenticate " message and studio is not showing up.

If close that pop up message and starts loop of loading widget

Hello and welcome to the forum!
Are you trying to add the AvatarCreator widget?
AvatarCreator requires that the App ID and Subdomain property be set. Make sure you set your application’s AppId and Subdomain in the project settings > Game > Ready Player Me. You can find the AppId and Subdomain of your application in the Ready Player Me Studio.
If these properties are not sent, you will get a runtime error.
You can find more information in our documentation here: Build your own Avatar Creator | Ready Player Me

Yes I am trying with Avatar Creator Widget. Actually duplicate of Original Widget.
Also those App ID and Subdomain are filled on day one only. Although I have cross checked those before posting in forums.

Does it break any code of using copy of Avatar Creator Widget ?

Any solution ?

Need help from the Team.

Hey Ganesh! Can you please try and change the subdomain to only your subdomain and remove the “rpm.iframe…” portion?

Let me know if that does the job

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Lol it’s working. Even I have to remove " https:// " and " " too

Thank you