403 on attempting to save avatar

I am attempting to follow the API quickstart guide here:

  1. I create an anonymous user by performing a POST to

This is successful. I capture the base64 jwt token returned.

  1. I GET the templates from

I grab a random template. In this case: 645cd1bdf23d0562d3f9d28b

  1. Now I create a draft avatar by running a POST to

I am including my base64 jwt token in the authorization header

I capture the avatar id. In this case: 667c3aaca357b441c204e377

  1. I now want to save this avatar by performing a PUT to the following URL

I am including the base64 jwt token in the authorization header.

I receive a 403 response:
“type”: “ForbiddenError”,
“status”: 403,
“message”: “Forbidden”,
“code”: “forbidden”

Can anyone take a look and see what I am doing incorrectly? I believe I am following the instructions from the quickstart guide properly.

Thank you.

Hi there,

It could be that you are missing permission from API Keys. To successfully authorize API calls, use your organization’s API key as a value of the X-API-Key header. More information on API Keys.