I am attempting to follow the API quickstart guide here:
- I create an anonymous user by performing a POST to
This is successful. I capture the base64 jwt token returned.
- I GET the templates from
I grab a random template. In this case: 645cd1bdf23d0562d3f9d28b
- Now I create a draft avatar by running a POST to
I am including my base64 jwt token in the authorization header
I capture the avatar id. In this case: 667c3aaca357b441c204e377
- I now want to save this avatar by performing a PUT to the following URL
I am including the base64 jwt token in the authorization header.
I receive a 403 response:
“type”: “ForbiddenError”,
“status”: 403,
“message”: “Forbidden”,
“code”: “forbidden”
Can anyone take a look and see what I am doing incorrectly? I believe I am following the instructions from the quickstart guide properly.
Thank you.