Conerns of RPM's future

We’ve been using RPM for a few years, and our software relies on it. It’s been great, and our users love it.

If RPM were to stop, we’d have many issues.

As the years pass, we see fewer RPM updates and content around RPM. As developers, this is not encouraging for us.

Some questions for RPM:

  1. Do you have a roadmap for the next 1-2+ years?
  2. If RPM were to discontinue, would we still be able to use it in our software?
  3. What reassurance can we get that RPM will continue?

If RPM is planning on shutting down at any time, please have the respect to let us developers know with as much notice as possible, as we need to keep our projects live.

Thank you


Also: as our own software gets used more, we also receive huge amount of requests for RPM integration features. Some of those are updates that have been discussed in RPM Discord/Forum since the early days for RPM… e.g., more cultural clothing, older avatars, etc… We stayed with RPM because we expected these updates to happen as they were so popular. As the years pass, we receive more pressure from our users to provide them with these features.

I hope RPM can understand that the longer we go without such features, the more likely we are to seek other platforms.

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To be honest, it doesn’t look good. It seems that they have stopped maintenance and support and the platform is just running in “auto mode”. I even had to register a new mail account to post this message, as I couldn’t log in with the usual one. Apart from that:

  • They have already shut down the Discord channel.
  • They seem to have stopped developing the platform some time ago (for example, the new development tools are no longer available (Your first look at the next generation of Ready Player Me developer tools).
  • They only post on social media/Linkedin about PlayerZero and nothing about RPM.
  • They do not respond to user questions here or in support mails as they used to.

My (obvious) conclusion is that they probably haven’t found a way to make RPM avatars profitable and are now betting everything on PlayerZero. I don’t blame them, but it would be very helpful for those of us who are heavily invested in projects with RPM to at least know the roadmap, if they are actually going to shut down, when that will happen, what alternatives they might offer, etc. so that we can better prepare for this (sad) scenario.


Linkedin screenshot to back up my previous comment (hopefully I am wrong):

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I will be doing a more in-depth announcement around this and plans regarding Ready Player Me and Player Zero shortly but just to quickly alleviate fears - your games won’t stop suddenly working or anything like that.

There are no plans to switch things off and if ever that was the case you would have months of notice and paths to keep your experiences running without too much interference.

But to reiterate - nothing being switched off, Ready Player Me isn’t going anywhere

P.S Apologies from myself for the lack of comms over the last month or so!


Well, this is great news. Thanks @Tom_RPM

@Tom_RPM super, thanks for the reassurance. I’ll look out for the more in-depth announcement!

But what you did is exact what you described - you switched off registration of new Developer accounts WITHOUT any notice. By your words it must have been in following way: at the homepage of account a Warning sign appear with a message like:

“Attention, creating new developer accounts for studio will be locked down at XX.XX.2025, please make these as many as you need”.

Right now “playerzero” has awfully poor choice of clothes, and another avatar parts, IMO it’s no way close to readiness.


Are we still allowed to download the models and use for offline games (commercial)? i have no idea where to get a clear answer on this, sorry for bringing up an older post (dont have a dev account sadly yet…)