Animation issues on Unity 6 with glTFast

Hi everyone,

i’m making a prototype in Unity 6 (6000.0.21f1) and i need to animate some ready player me characters. So this is what i’ve done so far:

  1. downloaded a few characters from the online avatar creator in glb format.

  2. In unity i manually added the package

  3. I downloaded some sample animations from animation library on GitHub

  4. let’s say that for instance i want to animate a feminine character, i download the feminine t-pose fbx and i set the import options like in the following image

  5. I download and add a walking animation (fbx) and set the import option in this way

  6. then I create an animator controller for my character, the animation tree looks like this

  7. i drop my character asset in scene and add an animator component and i assign both the controller and the avatar mask like this

When i press play the character doesn’t move. No bone gets moved by the animation. The only thing that animates is the root motion if I enable it in the animator but beside that, nothing else.

Please Note:
I’m not using any RPM SDK package beside the glTFast since I don’t need any avatar configurator in scene. I only need to import pre-configured avatars coming from the avatar configurator website and then apply to them some animations from the animation library…

I’d be glad if someone could help me out with this, thanks to those that will respond!

Bye, Erik

Just solved, i noticed that importing a downloaded asset form the configurator and using only the glTFast Unity package generates this hierarchy:

To make any downloaded animation work, besides following the guide and setting the avatar mask based on the T-pose in the animation import settings, you also need to:

  1. unpack the avatar prefab imported in scene
  2. add an “Armature” Game Object as parent of the Hips Game Object like this:

Remember also to add an animator to the avatar prefab with the correct avatar mask and a proper animation controller with your desired animations and states in it.
Hope this can help someone who is struggling to find a proper solution to this issue.

Cheers, Erik