How do I convert the glb of my avatars to be compatible & swappable with the Default RPM Character for Cinematics?

OK so this question is slightly similar yet different than what I was asking before.

To Make Cinematics that can use the Mixamo Compatible animations using the Ready Player Me provided content I found this version of the character to work in Sequencer and with all the Mixamo Animations

In Sequencer I have

How do I convert the downloaded .glb files of my own avatars to be compatible with this Default RPM character so I can swap it out and use the same animations for creating Cinematics?

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Hey @waqas_dss

You need to follow the attached instructions, the Mixamo animations are compatible with the UE skeleton, not with the RPM skeleton downloaded.
What I did and worked for me was RPM → IK to UE4pawn, the IK to the UE5 never worked for me, seems to have a bug.

Here is a video of my game and some animations like crouching and swimming:

Good luck!

And here is the link, I can’t add more than one in the previous post:

I’ve done that. It works for the default white t-shirt guy.
I think the real issue is this: What is the correct way to import or convert my custom avatar from my RPM portal so that they come in as this

Because this is the version I can drop into Sequencer and be able load all of the RPM and my converted animations to.

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Oh ok, understood, I’m in the forums because I have problems with the skeletons too, seems we have a similar issue here than in my query. I’ll be waiting to see what the RPM guys says about your problem because seems linked to mine.


Are you still having issues with this @waqas_dss & @afriant ?

You should be able to use any animations in your UE project with your RPM character.

Follow the retargeting steps outlined here → Retargeting Docs

And then you should be able to have your character doing whatever within Sequencer.

Just super quickly, here is a retargeted animation (from the Zombie Animation pack) in sequencer with the RPM avatar.

And yes this is an absolutely amazing movie

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Hey @Tom_RPM
Hi again, I was trying to replace some of my Mixamo animations with the downloaded avatars but seems there is a problem with the bones.
I’ll try to be the more detailed possible to see if you can replicate the issue.
Important, the downloaded skeleton works in the character when downloaded via code, doesn’t work if I replace it manually.


  1. Bones of the RPM_Mixamo_Skeleton, fully functional in game, allows replacement of the mesh when playing, with the same code used for downloading.
    NOTE 1: I retargeted this from the UE4 or UE5 mannequin, I don’t remember exactly, was a few months ago.
    NOTE 2: It works with my animations when I download an avatar from the code using the LoadAvatar from url blueprint.

  2. Bones of an avatar downloaded as following:,normal
    NOTE: Hasn’t Armature and has that strange red bone. Seems here is the problem, but I don’t know why that doesn’t affects when importing via blueprint, maybe the importation settings?

Both doesn’t match, the weird thing here is the playable pawn works when downloaded automatically from code, but if I replace it directly in my pawn, or if I try to use it for Mixamo animations, looks deformed.

Hello @afriant ! Sorry for the delay, I have been on vacation but back now.

Is this still an issue for you? Could you just clarify what you mean by “downloaded via code vs manually?” Via code is through the blueprint, but what is the “manual” approach?

You will need to ensure you RPM character is retargeted to whatever rig is using the Mixamo animations and then this specific character is the one that the RPM logic is looking for when downloading new avatars via the LoadAvatar blueprint node.

If you can just clarify on the “manual” approach then we can get you sorted.

@Tom_RPM I was able to get Mixamo and other animations to retarget to the default RPM White -T Shirt guy. That’s not the problem I was having.

I was asking how to load the .glb versions of our custom characters into Unreal NOT at run time when we hit play but just as another character I can animate in Sequencer to make cinematic animations in Sequencer to render out. I don’t understand how to do this. Perhaps I missed something. I can’t get the characters compatible and loadable in Unreal with the default RPM character

Ah apologies @waqas_dss I think I understand what you mean now.

So, download whichever character you need from and then import your .glb file into your project manually (drag and drop or use the Import button). You should then simply be able to take the new skeletal mesh and add it to your Sequencer scene, here as I have done with the “angel” character.

The animations should work already provided they have been retargeted to the RPM skeleton, which is what I had initially done with the zombie anim.