New Avatar loading on update instead of showing the current one

Hello team,

Whenever I am going to update my avatar instead of loading the same avatar it shows a new one.

in my browser console, I can see this.

It was working fine a while ago. Please let me know if I need to change anything

The URL presenting the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error is not part of our services. It could be one of your Chrome Extensions, but we can’t identify it, all we know is they are not related or part of our service.

Hello Gonzalo,

I see the console error was not relevant to the ready player me iframe. But the issue persists

here is the update iframe URL that is created using the API -


Yet this loads a new avatar in the iframe instead of the current one.

Let me know if I am doing something wrong

Try removing the ClearCache parameter from the URL.

still it did not work. Please note that the user was created using guest user instead of a sign up

I’m facing the same issue here, I haven’t changed anything and suddenly I’m unable to load existing avatars

I have the same problem, each time I load the iframe, I have a random avatar loaded, not an existing avatars

Hello @Gonzalo_RPM, could you please check, it seems to be happening with others as well. Thank you!

I am having this same issue, and I believe it must have started at the same time as this thread was posted.

I thought it was something I changed, but I’ve been trying everything to make this work, and trying in different environments, rebuilding the integration, etc.

Creating a guest user, then authenticating them, then calling the avatar creator with the token seems to work briefly, and then the avatar creator just ignores that user and creates a new one. Loading the creator in an iframe with the token was also blocking the various asset thumbnails from loading. It wasn’t until I removed the token, which fixed the assets display token, that I realised it was then behaving the same way, and looking through the various API calls, I can see that whatever I pass in as a userId or token is being replaced in the process of displaying the avatar.

The same is happening to me. I have lost all of my avatars.

This is a critical issue for us. I hope this problem can be identified quickly.

Tried today and I think it is working as expected again

For me it is still creating new avatars

Hi everyone,

We have made some updates to the Avatar Editor recently that should’ve fixed some of the issues, but I’m unable to say who is still affected. Could everyone who still is affected update the situation?

Please also share the steps to reproduce the issue.

Hello Markus,

My scenario is

  • initialize iframe
  • create avatar using guest mode
  • click “Next” and close the ready player me’s signup popup
  • save the avatarId and avatarUserId in my database
  • use avatarUserId to create the token required for editing an avatar
  • once the token is generated use it to initialize the iframe
  • iframe shows a new random avatar instead of the one created before

Hi @anveeg_sinha,

Thanks for sharing the steps!

Are you using the correct API Key? More info here: Authentication | Ready Player Me

If that doesn’t help, could you also share the way you have implemented the guest accounts? You can leave your subdomain/app ID/API Key out of it and just replace the parts with “your subdomain, app ID” if needed

Hello Markus,

I have tried creating a new API key as well just now. Please let me know the email where I can share my approach in detail


Did the API Key help, did you give permission to “Write” for users? You can share the Curl raw request with us here: Jira Service Management