Disabling signup

Hi there,

Is there a way to bypass user sign-up, or perhaps have some kind of SSO where we manage user credentials, so that they do not need to make another account when making an avatar?


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We are aware that having end-users sign-up to two different platforms (yours and Ready Player Me) can be detrimental for the user experience, so we implemented User Management and Guest Accounts. Have a read at this page of our documentation? User Management | Ready Player Me

I have, but I am experiencing issues. I have confirmed that the token generation is indeed creating a user token and i am able to load the iFrame. However, clicking “next” gives an error and I also get an error for last avatar in console. Here are screenshots @Gonzalo_RPM

And an example of the code

        config={{ ...config, token }}

After a while, the existing avatars show, but I still get errors. For example, I get this error when selecting an avatar., And the URL is indeed a 404 for a few seconds, but then it resolves if I refresh the browser. However, resets again when I click “select” on the avatar

Can you provide the avatar ID so we can test it?

Hey there, we are following the guide at: Guest Accounts | Ready Player Me

First we create a guest account:

Then we request a token from the guest account id:

Then the token is used to load the avatar creator:

The avatar creator loads (for some reason it seems to ignore the quickStart parameter):

But when you click “Next”, you get this signup prompt:

The avatar exported event is not fired until after you take action on this prompt.

What we are looking to do is bypass the prompt, and get the exported avatar event immediately after clicking next.

Same issue here ! We would like to bypass the prompt. We implemented the same process as @sean_hxq (create user, then get the token) and we still have this prompt. Can someone help us ?