Help Needed: Rate Limit Error on Ready Player Me API

Hey everyone,

I’m facing an issue with the Ready Player Me API and was hoping someone here might have some insights.

I’m using the [GET] endpoint to retrieve the assets I own, and it’s been working fine for the most part. However, lately, I’ve been getting this error message:

429 Too Many Requests: “Rate limit exceeded. Please wait a few moments and try again.”

I understand this is a rate limiting issue, but I’m not sure how to avoid hitting the limit. I’ve tried spacing out my requests, but the error still coming up more frequently than I’d like.

When I was searching about the error, I came across these articles/resources learn react native and as per them I cross checked the Rate limit headers and it looks like X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining.

In addition, I also optimized request timing. But still getting the same error.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips on how to manage or reduce the number of requests to stay within the limit? Also, is there a way to know what the specific rate limit is for this endpoint?

Thanks in advance for any help!


Hey there! We’ve been looking at our services and we don’t think you would be hitting any rate limit at service level. Could you please provide more information on your calls, query params and timing so we can look into it in detail and try to replicate it?