Bad JSON escape sequence: \%. Path 'data.metadata', line 1, position 794

When clicking the next button after creating the avatar in the WebView, a bad JSON error occurs and the WebView does not give the app the model URL and can’t continue past avatar creation. Tried both signed in and not signed in. Selecting an existing avatar and not editing it seems to work.

I had posted this as an issue on the RPM SDK GitHub, but I have not yet gotten a reply. More details about this bug have been given on the GitHub issue: Bad JSON escape sequence: %. Path ‘data.metadata’, line 1, position 794. · Issue #312 · readyplayerme/rpm-unity-sdk-core (

Hello! Have you updated to the latest SDK version 7.1.1? It should solve it.

Yes, I am on 7.1.1, as mentioned in the issue.

The issue is still not fixed. As said in the previous comment and the issue, I am on 7.1.1 and it’s still broken.