I recently updated RPM inside Unity, and kept getting caught on the following error:
AvatarProcessError - Avatar postprocess failed. is either null or is not of type GameObject
I’m unsure which change fixed it, but I removed RPM and anything name after RPM (I had lots of old test files, saved avatars, and I tested the WebView back before it was released).
I also found that I had this error a while ago, and used the workaround of defining ‘GLTFAST’ under Project Settings>Player> Other Settings>Script Compilation>Scripting Define Sympbols.
I removed GLFAST from there, and pressed apply. Then closed Unity, opened it again, and did a clean install of RPM.
Now everything seems to work, and I can download avatars again. I also noticed that under Scripting Define Symbols, it now includes ‘READY_PLAYER_ME’. I’m unsure if it did that before.
Hopefully this helps someone else!