Reference RPM URL Avatar Armature

Trying to a spawn point with a URL generated avatar so that object correctly attach to players hand. There must be a simpler way to go about this, just need a point of reference for the generated avatars hand to display items there

using System;
using ReadyPlayerMe.Core;
using UnityEngine;

namespace ReadyPlayerMe.Samples.QuickStart
    public class ThirdPersonLoader : MonoBehaviour
        PlayerInteraction playerInteraction;

        private readonly Vector3 avatarPositionOffset = new Vector3(0, -0.08f, 0);
        [SerializeField][Tooltip("RPM avatar URL or shortcode to load")] 
        private string avatarUrl;
        private GameObject avatar;
        private AvatarObjectLoader avatarObjectLoader;
        [SerializeField][Tooltip("Animator to use on loaded avatar")] 
        private RuntimeAnimatorController animatorController;
        [SerializeField][Tooltip("If true it will try to load avatar from avatarUrl on start")] 
        private bool loadOnStart = true;
        [SerializeField][Tooltip("Preview avatar to display until avatar loads. Will be destroyed after new avatar is loaded")]
        private GameObject previewAvatar;

        public GameObject interactor;
        public GameObject spawnPoint;
        public event Action OnLoadComplete;
        public GameObject RightHand;
        public Transform handPoint;
        // public GameObject player; 
        private void Start()
            avatarObjectLoader = new AvatarObjectLoader();
            avatarObjectLoader.OnCompleted += OnLoadCompleted;
            avatarObjectLoader.OnFailed += OnLoadFailed;
            if (previewAvatar != null)
            if (loadOnStart)
            playerInteraction = GetComponentInChildren<PlayerInteraction>();

        void Update()

        public void Interact()
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2"))

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire3"))

        private void OnLoadFailed(object sender, FailureEventArgs args)

        private void OnLoadCompleted(object sender, CompletionEventArgs args)
            if (previewAvatar != null)
                previewAvatar = null;

            // Now that the avatar is loaded, find the right hand
            handPoint = args.Avatar.transform.Find("RightHand");
            if (handPoint == null)
                Debug.LogError("Right hand not found!");
                Debug.Log("Right hand found successfully.");

        private void SetupAvatar(GameObject targetAvatar)
            if (avatar != null)
            avatar = targetAvatar;
            avatar.transform.parent = transform;
            avatar.transform.localPosition = avatarPositionOffset;
            avatar.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);

            var controller = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>();
            if (controller != null)
                controller.Setup(avatar, animatorController);

        public void LoadAvatar(string url)
            avatarUrl = url.Trim(' ');
            Instantiate(interactor, this.transform, worldPositionStays:false);
            Instantiate(handPoint, avatar.transform, transform.Find("RightHand"));

A post was merged into an existing topic: Adding spawn points to instantiated RPM model

Hey! We will help you in the previous topic you had open, just moved your post there

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