I am using the React AvatarCreator component. In that I am passing the avatarId and the token to load previously created avatar, so that a user can edit their character rather than start from scratch.
Earlier, a few weeks ago, it was working fine. But now when I open the avatar creator for those models, it shows an error saying “Avatar Not found”.
But it seems to be working as expected for newly created characters.
- is there an expiration for how long an avatar id can be used?
- is there anyway we can directly import our own glb models into the avatar creator, it seems that feature currently doesn’t exist.
Hello and welcome to the forum!
- is there an expiration for how long an avatar id can be used?
You are probably using a draft avatar, which will expire after a certain time. To save the avatar and permanently save it for the user, you will need to save the avatar with the endpoint mentioned in our documentation under step 2.4: Quickstart - Ready Player Me
- is there anyway we can directly import our own glb models into the avatar creator, it seems that feature currently doesn’t exist.
Yes, you can do this by creating a Hero character. You can learn more about how to set it up on our documentation page: Create Hero Characters - Ready Player Me
I am using the React component provide by rpm. https://docs.readyplayer.me/ready-player-me/integration-guides/react/quickstart
I believe it already takes care of saving a draft avatar.