Passing the avatarId not working on AvatarCreator

I am using the React AvatarCreator component. In that I am passing the avatarId and the token to load previously created avatar, so that a user can edit their character rather than start from scratch.
Earlier, a few weeks ago, it was working fine. But now when I open the avatar creator for those models, it shows an error saying “Avatar Not found”.
But it seems to be working as expected for newly created characters.


  1. is there an expiration for how long an avatar id can be used?
  2. is there anyway we can directly import our own glb models into the avatar creator, it seems that feature currently doesn’t exist.

Hello and welcome to the forum!

  1. is there an expiration for how long an avatar id can be used?

You are probably using a draft avatar, which will expire after a certain time. To save the avatar and permanently save it for the user, you will need to save the avatar with the endpoint mentioned in our documentation under step 2.4: Quickstart - Ready Player Me

  1. is there anyway we can directly import our own glb models into the avatar creator, it seems that feature currently doesn’t exist.

Yes, you can do this by creating a Hero character. You can learn more about how to set it up on our documentation page: Create Hero Characters - Ready Player Me

I am using the React component provide by rpm.
I believe it already takes care of saving a draft avatar.