Let's share our custom assets

Drop your Drive, Dropbox or Github links in this thread if you have custom assets to share with the RPM community!

The general sentiment across the forum is that we want more variety of assets, the current set of assets has been around since the inception of RPM.

We however don’t have to wait for RPM to supply us, we have many talented devs and artists in the community who could provide some of their assets ready to upload to RPM’s developer studio.

Let’s face it, the process to create a new custom asset is quite hard unless you are a Blender pro, there are subtle nuances and Studio keeps producing errors, I thought of this idea on my quest to get a simple baseball type cap without the default “do rag” at the back as per current assets, I tried using the guide and even a video on Youtube but failed miserably.

Perhaps we can setup a RPM community github for shared assets or just simply share Drive links or even your Shopify store if you sell them.