

The beginning of Digital Freemasonry, it is officially said that it was created on March 19, 2021. During the First General Assembly of the World Union of Sovereign Lodges – LIBERTAS 5775. The reason why this is the date we mark as the official beginning of Digital Freemasonry is because the Declaration on the Establishment of this International Organization was adopted then, it clearly states that all documents will be issued “exclusively” in the digital form by this Masonic organization. Also on the same day, I publicly uttered the slogan “All Freemasons In One Digital Lodge” for the first time, which was later adopted as official and is stated in the text of the Declaration itself.

Secondly, the Presidency of the World Union of Sovereign Lodges – LIBERTAS 5775 held a meeting, and it was concluded that in the next year all activities will focus on detailed analysis and preparation of conditions for this inevitable transformation into a digital form.
Respecting the obligation to preserve the original rules and basic principles of Freemasonry, which originate partly from the operative Freemasonry from the early Middle Ages, and fully regulated rules during the transformation into speculative form, we note that the process of transformation into digital form of Freemasonry began on March 19, 6021. A.L. at the first General Assembly of the “World Union of Sovereign Lodges - LIBERTAS 5775”, and fully completed and realized by the adoption of this Declaration on March 19, 6022. A.L. at the second General Assembly of the “World Union of Sovereign Lodges - LIBERTAS 5775” as the highest fundamental act of Digital Freemasonry and the adopted documents in the form of Regulations which form an integral part of this Declaration.

Digital Freemasonry is distinguished by the fact that it takes place exclusively in digital space and form,rather than in physically constructed temples or buildings. Depending on the type of ceremony oroccasion, Lodges perform its ritual works, initiations, meetings, and other activities using digital tools in the dApp Masonic Passport and/or MasonicVerse, in one of its suitably tiled rooms. Access to the profane in the Masonic Passport dApp and MasonicVerse is permitted for the purpose of promoting and bringing Freemasonry concepts closer to the public, but only at certain locations or times, and they are expressly barred from participating in any ceremonial activity or Lodgework. The temple of King Solomon, which is located in the very center of MasonicVerse, is the principal temple of Digital Freemasonry. The central temple is where all of the most important rituals and events take place.

Official slogan: “All Freemasons In One Digital Lodge”.